Thanks to a 3D printer we help customers and also doctors

This year we bought a 3D printer for our company, which found its application very quickly. We started to produce our own components for transport logistics management, which completed the overall concept of the product for transport logistics management . We designed each component precisely so that it can be installed without any problems, and we were able to produce and modify the initial designs very quickly.

3D printing has also found fans within our company, where our colleagues have been using the printer occasionally even for their personal needs. Many of them have even actively engaged in the process of designing and manufacturing components for projects, achieving the maximum in 3D printer usage in every way.

However, the current situation requires quick and effective action to help all those in need. From the production of components, we quickly switched to the production of protective shields for medical staff in Slovak hospitals, which are currently one of the most risky groups coming into daily contact with possible infected or already infected persons by the highly infectious disease COVID-19. Thanks to the possibility of almost continuous printing of protective shields, we try to help our medical staff who are in the front line, at least in this way.


The protective shield consists of plastic holders, which we print using a filament PET-G on a 3D printer. The holders are used to attach plexiglass, which ensures protection of the entire facial area, which is most threatened in case of disease spread. Thanks to the rubber, it is possible to safely fixate and customize the protective shield for everyone. Production of one shield lasts up to 2 hours.

Nowadays, we have been printing the shields entirely by ourselves and our shields are used by medical staff in lot of hospitals and medical institutions around Slovakia, thanks to Pomoc zdravotníkom 3D tlačou v Žilinskom kraji. If you would like to help us, we would be grateful for your recommendations on Plexiglas suppliers 😊